How to Build Your Dog’s Confidence

dog confidence building

Let’s Build Your Dog’s Confidence

The world can be a big, scary place filled with fast movements and loud noises. Delivery trucks can be big, loud, and threatening and dogs just might think that a strange alien creature lives in the vacuum cleaner.

Teaching a dog how to set their own boundaries of what makes them feel safe and secure can make a difference.  

Our Confidence Building mini lessons include videos, helpful checklists, and downloadable information to refer to. Here are a few tips we have from our Confidence Building mini-lesson found at the Wag store. 

Introduce a Reward Marker

The use of a marker makes training easier for you, as it tells your dog the exact moment when he has done the right thing. A marker is a sound of your choice, e.g. the word “good.” A clicker is a marker, too. You “mark” (say “good” or press your clicker) immediately when your dog demonstrates the movement or behavior you are looking for.

Immediately after that, you will give a treat or provide another reinforcer.

Your dog will learn that the sound of the marker promises good things, and you will be able to communicate what exact behavior he is getting “paid” for.

Teach Our Language With Cues

Dogs struggling with behavioral issues benefit hugely from simple training exercises as a  means of comforting consistency  –  reminding them what we want them to do rather than being scolded for doing things we don’t like.

New puppies and old dogs love learning new tricks, and that’s what all training is, after all.

Training is enriching for both species and helps build a precious bond between human and dog – one that lasts a lifetime.

Set Your Dog Up for Success

Write a  list of what upsets your dog and avoid them completely or limit exposure the best way possible until your behavior management plan is in place and the entire family is involved and onboard.

About Wag n Tails Seminars

We offer seminars on a variety of topics from basic obedience to understanding how your dog learns and responds to cues. We also discuss how to properly use positive reinforcement in dog training and how to be consistent with rewards.

Our seminars are interactive and informative with plenty of hands-on activities. We discuss different dog behaviors and how to structure training around them. We also talk about how to deal with specific issues such as dog nutrition, your dog’s body language, enrichment, treat retreat, barking, aggression, and much more! 

Learn more here.

Don’t forget to take a peek at our store, here.

Picture of Christine Fox

Christine Fox

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