Pause in Motion: The Benefits of Taking a Parkour Class with your Dog

benefits of taking parkour class with your dog

Taking our parkour class with your dog can offer various benefits for both the entire family. 

Join us to teach your dog how to navigate and interact with various obstacles and structures in a new environment. In this class, dogs learn how to jump, climb, balance, and maneuver through different obstacles such as tunnels, jumps, and platforms. Parkour class for dogs can help improve physical fitness, coordination, and confidence. It can also strengthen your bond using our positive reinforcement training techniques.

Here are five advantages to incorporating Motion Parkour class with your dog:

1. Bonding Time: Structured dog training classes offer opportunities for interaction, communication, and strengthening the relationship between the dog and their owner. Parkour involves memory and stability exercises, which provide confidence building opportunities and encourage problem solving.

2. Mindfulness Practice: Taking a motion parkour class with your dog encourages our second element of teaching your dog using mindfulness practices. The second element is curiosity. When dogs satisfy their needs to explore, we as pet parents and handlers are enjoying the benefits as well. Engaging in those moments of connection with your dog can help to focus on enjoying the present moment with our dogs which reduces stress, and enhances our overall well-being. Learn more about mindfulness and dogs here. 

3. Physical Exercise: The Parkour class gives our students and the dogs a chance to be active together in a structured environment. Exercise prevents stress and promotes overall health and wellness for all the active participants in the class. 

4. Training Reinforcement: Parkour class is a training reinforcement opportunity for the dogs. Participants can use this time to reward their dogs for following commands, displaying good behavior, or completing challenges, reinforcing positive training outcomes.

5. Social Interaction: Parkour class creates a social setting where our students interact with each other and share experiences with their dogs. This social aspect fosters a sense of community, support, and camaraderie among the class members and their favorite buddy dog!

By incorporating parkour classes into your routine with your dog, students can experience a range of benefits that promote bonding, mindfulness, physical well-being, training reinforcement, and social interaction. This class not only enhances the overall experience of the class but also contributes to the positive relationship between our clients and their dogs.

Embrace the mindful way of teaching your dog and you’ll see the results affect your entire family. So beautiful!

Intrigued by mindfulness and how dogs learn? Check out more on the psychology of extinction and Toys to Bond and Interact With Your Dogs.

Check out my video on Mindfulness here:

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Picture of Christine Fox

Christine Fox

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