Do our dogs miss us when we’re gone on vacation?

I was recently asked if I board my dogs at Wag ‘N’ Tails, almost as if it was a test to see if I, the owner, would use my own place.  Or if I would prefer to have a friend, neighbor or family member watch my dogs when traveling. “Well of course I do, I have for many years!” I told my client excitedley. Well, the time came for me to pack for my much needed vacation to the Riveria Mya, Mexico and all the butterfies starting fluttering around my nervous stomach just as all of you probably get! I’m rolling the suitcase out to the car and Charley my Golden is bouncing back and forth, back and forth. Is he excited? Is he nervous too? Could he know I’m leaving just from seeing the suitcases? Well certainly he does! Hollywood my Maltese didn’t seem to affected either way as long as she was in the front seat when it was time to head up to Wag for their stay!Upon arrival I made sure to do everything I tell our clients to do! Happy voice! Happy voice!, while driving to the center. “You guys are gonna stay at school! Isn’t that exciting!” Even though it’s aching me that I’m going to miss them so much.

7 days went by and finally I turned on my phone after a nice long break from emails and missed calls. When I opened up my email as the plane landed I was so excited to open my report cards for the dogs. “Look! Charley played with the big dogs and it says Hollywood was cuddly as always!” I just couldn’t wait to get home. “They probably missed me so much!” I just couldn’t wait to get there! I walk in the door and they they are! Right where I left them! Both dogs are so excited to see me of course, but they aren’t exactly doing the jumpy dance that I would’ve expected. “Why aren’t they crying?” No circle dance? Shouldn’t they be howling or something I thought? Well, I guess I can’t complain that my dogs are content.

They are happy I’m home and they missed me…but they’re content. Hmmm, not sure if I like that or not lol…Many times the staff and I know just how our clients feel, by being clients ourselves! My dog’s missed me of course, although the staff took such good care of them at Wag they were perfectly content when I got home to their adorable faces! Thanks Wag ‘N’ Tails for all you do…even for my own dogs!

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]About the Author Christine Fox, APDT, CTDI and a Pet Sitters International member, is the founder of Wag ‘N’ Tails Dog Activity Center with two locations in Michigan. She has been involved with many pet dog trainer certification initiatives, all based on learning techniques that involve humane practices and the latest in scientific research. Christine also raised a service dog for Paws With a Cause and plans to train her newest pup in therapy work. Through her work with dogs and their parents, Christine has developed many happy and healthy relationships with both humans and dogs in the community.[/author_info] [/author]

Picture of Christine Fox

Christine Fox

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