Giving Back and Connecting-Jack’s Place for Autism and Wag ‘N’ Tails work together!


I had an amazing and inspirational meeting with the founder of Jacks Place for Autism last week. Thank you so much to everyone who attended our recent walk with the dogs. I was able to see first -hand that your donations are going to a wonderful cause! Director Lisa Price should inspire us all to realize that with community involvement, passion, support and motivation…anything is possible! Learn more about Jack’s place here.

Jacks Place started in 2003 and has been going strong ever since! Your generous donation could have helped educate a parent who just discovered the long road they have ahead of them. Maybe your gift of money went toward the printing of materials sent to local colleges, educating young teachers about the need for Specialized Autism Impaired (AI) teachers. Possibly your funds went towards educating the public school districts to help parents make the best decision possible for their child’s education. Believe me. Your donation was well spent to further help Jack’s Place reach out and achieve the awareness they need and deserve.

Wag ‘N’ Tails would like to be more involved with this fantastic organization. We are asking for your help. The touch of a dog can have a profound effect on a child of Autism. Just simply walking a dog can relieve anxiety and minimize the pressure and aggravation a person of Autism feels. An Autism Service dog can assist a child with so many activities, including school.

As many of you know, Patti DeBono our Director of Training has one year left to graduate with a Bachelor degree from Oakland University. Her degree is in education, with a specialization in Autism. She plans to go for her Masters and complete her education, Winter 2014. With Patti’s help I will be designing specialize dog classes for Children and families affected by Autism.

I am asking for your help, actually I’m asking for your dog’s help! I would like to launch this program by the end of November, 2011. If you would like your dog to be added to our list of dogs to be evaluated for eligibility please call the office at 586.781.6400.

Help us continue to make a difference in the community. Just simply allowing your dog to participate now, could lead to the growth of a program that lasts a lifetime!

Yours in Training,

Christine Fox

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]About the Author Christine Fox, APDT, CTDI and a Pet Sitters International member, is the founder of Wag ‘N’ Tails Dog Activity Center with two locations in Michigan. She has been involved with many pet dog trainer certification initiatives, all based on learning techniques that involve humane practices and the latest in scientific research. Christine also raised a service dog for Paws With a Cause and plans to train her newest pup in therapy work. Through her work with dogs and their parents, Christine has developed many happy and healthy relationships with both humans and dogs in the community.[/author_info] [/author]

Picture of Christine Fox

Christine Fox

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