Teaching Your Dog the Mindful Way

mindful dog training with christine fox

Welcome to our blog on teaching your dog the mindful way! In this post, we will explore the five key elements to help you and your dog build a strong and positive relationship.

JOY is the first element we will discuss. What sets your dog’s soul on fire? Squirrel chasing? Swimming? Car rides? Treats? If it’s treats, which ones? 

Take the time to rate each treat and toy on a scale from 1-5 with 5 being the best! By recognizing the power of all your dog’s rewards and reinforcements, you can create a joyful training experience for both of you.

Next, let’s talk about CURIOSITY. It is important to meet your dog’s physical and mental needs every day. By incorporating enrichment exercises and understanding your dog’s senses, you can keep your dog engaged and satisfied. This will not only strengthen your bond but also ensure your dog’s overall well-being.

INSIGHT is the third element to consider in your training journey. Once you have mastered joy and curiosity, take the time to reflect on your training cues. By making revisions as you progress as a team, you can continue to grow and improve your training methods.

AWARENESS is crucial when it comes to understanding your dog’s behavior. Become keenly aware of your dog’s body language signals and familiarize yourself with their meanings in various circumstances. Effective communication is the key to building a strong and trusting relationship with your dog.

Lastly, we have BALANCE. Track your progress, identify your areas of strength, and acknowledge areas of difficulty. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and continue to work towards a harmonious relationship with your dog.

By incorporating these five key elements into your training routine, you can teach your dog the mindful way and strengthen your bond with your dog. 

Remember, patience, consistency, and understanding are a must when you’re building a positive and rewarding relationship with your dog.

Learn a bit more about our mindful way here:

Is your dog full of energy?

Are you doing too much for your dog?

Picture of Christine Fox

Christine Fox

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