The Legacy of Dog Grooming

Dog Grooming

The origins of dog grooming can be traced back to the 1st century BC when dogs, who had an abundant amount of hair, were sheared in a similar manner to sheep.

During this era, dogs played a vital role in assisting their owners with various tasks. Grooming was primarily focused on practical reasons, such as trimming excess fur, rather than aesthetics. As time progressed, the relationship between dogs and humans blossomed into one of beautiful companionship.

As families formed closer bonds and welcomed dogs into their homes, the necessity of keeping dogs clean and free from disease became paramount for human hygiene and health.

Join Our Team: If you are passionate about the history and art of dog grooming, we are currently hiring at Wag n Tails Studio. Embrace the legacy of dog grooming while creatingvlasting bonds with our dogs. Join us!

Picture of Christine Fox

Christine Fox

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